School Overview
Metric: Data
School Name: Paddock Wood Primary Academy
Pupils in school: 611
Proportion of disadvantaged pupils: 17% (106 students)
Pupil Premium allocation this academic year: £158,000
Publish date: September 2021
Review date: July 2022
Statement authorised by: Mrs Libby Fidock
Pupil Premium Lead: Mrs Libby Fidock
Disadvantaged Pupil Progress Scores for Last Academic Year – N/A
- Reading – N/A
- Writing – N/A
- Maths – N/A
Strategy Aims for Disadvantaged Pupils
- Meeting expected standard at KS2 – 50% combined
- Achieving high standard at KS2 – 12.5% combined
Priority 1
To implement a new Phonics scheme into EYFS and ensure that this is taught consistently and all staff have the relevant training and support.
Priority 2
To introduce a Mastery approach for the teaching of Maths, by working with the Math Hub and developing a Maths strategy.
Barriers to learning these priorities address
To ensure all staff consistently apply new approaches and that these support whole class interventions.
Projected spending
Teaching Priorities for Current Academic Year
Aim: Progress in Reading
Target: To achieve 85% ARE in Reading
Target date: June 2022
Aim: Progress in Writing
Target: To achieve 85% ARE in Writing
Target date: June 2022
Aim: Progress in Mathematics
Target: To achieve 85% ARE in Maths
Target date: June 2022
Aim: Phonics
Target: Increased the % of PPG students reaching the expected standard for phonics in June 2022.
Target date: June 2022
Targeted Academic Support for Current Academic Year
Priority 1
To implement a new Phonics scheme into EYFS and ensure that this is taught consistently and all staff have the relevant training and support.
Priority 2
To introduce a Mastery approach for the teaching of Maths, by working with the Math Hub and developing a Maths strategy.
Barriers to learning these priorities address
To ensure all staff consistently apply new approaches and that these support whole class interventions.
Projected spending
Wider Strategies for Current Academic Year
Priority 1
Improve links between the academy and local community, including residential, pastoral and business members.
Priority 2
To develop a range of enrichment opportunities before, during and after school.
Priority 3
Employ a Family Liaison Officer to improve the attendance of PPG students so that the PA of these children is less than the national average.
Barriers to learning these priorities address
Lack of access to enrichment activities, resources and support for achieving greater depth outside of the school environment.
Limited opportunities for exploring their community and the wider world.
Parental and community perceptions of the value of education and lack of confidence or experience which can prevent them from engaging with their child’s learning.
Projected spending
Monitoring and Implementation
Area: Teaching
Challenge: Ensuring a clear CPD plan for all staff and time allocated.
Mitigating Action: Clear CPD/PDM plan in place tracked across for the year.
Area: Targeted Support
Challenge: Ensure time is given to Middle Leaders to attend Maths Hub Meetings and to support other staff.
Mitigating Action: Cover in place via HLTAs (Training provided for these staff) and PDM time given to implement changes. Further support given by Curriculum Advisors.
Area: Wider Strategies
Challenge: Engaging with the wider community and ensuring a positive impact.
Mitigating Action: School Minibuses ensure costs are reduced for visits. Targeted pupils identified for extra-curricular clubs so that each PPG student attends at least 1 club.
Review: Last Year’s Aims and Outcomes
1:1 tuition for Maths
Covid meant that this support was limited to Y6 so that bubbles were not crossed. Additional information was supplied to class teachers with limited impact.
Teaching Assistant Support
Some training took place, but a further strategic plan now needs to be implemented to ensure the training is targeted.
Reading Recovery Teacher
In place for this, but again limited due to Covid and bubbles. Phonics needs to be overhauled to ensure interventions are limited if the right QfT is in place.